Break free from pain, overcome limitations, and halt the progression of joint damage. 
Take control of your osteoarthritis.

Discover how to lower inflammation, reduce joint pain, and improve your overall quality of life while decelerating the progression of osteoarthritis in the Thrive with OA Program, a proven total wellness approach to osteoarthritis symptom relief.

Get instant access to tools, trainings, and support … for just $7/month. (limited time only)

Learn How New Insights into Osteoarthritis Can Improve Your Symptoms 

Osteoarthritis has long been viewed as an inevitable degeneration resulting from just wear and tear on the joints. This view painted a bleak picture of OA as a condition beyond one’s control, leaving many to accept pain, limitation, and the progressive deterioration of joint health as a grim fact of life.

We now know it doesn’t have to be this way. Recent scientific breakthroughs have changed our understanding of OA. It is not just a simple matter of cartilage wear but is a complex disease affecting the entire joint down to the cellular level. This, in turn, is heavily influenced by the body's internal environment which is deeply affected by our mental and physical wellbeing.

Embracing this modern view means acknowledging the powerful connection between mind and body in dealing with osteoarthritis. It highlights the importance of a comprehensive approach that addresses physical wellbeing, mental resilience, and emotional health, paving the way for strategies that not only mitigate symptoms but also enrich life despite OA.

If you've been told there is no way to improve your OA or don't like the solutions you’ve been offered, you are not alone…

  • Most people with OA tirelessly look for solutions deliver relief but these rarely deliver the desired results.
  • They navigate a landscape where definitive answers seem elusive, and the offered remedies fall short of addressing the complexities of their condition, leaving them feeling overlooked and underserved in their quest for a better quality of life.
  • The impact of OA begins to extend beyond the physical symptoms to emotional health when cherished activities begin to become painful and more difficult.
  • In addition, the uncertainty regarding OA's progression and its lasting impact on their future increasingly casts a shadow, heightening anxiety and concern.
  • All the while, it seems like others can't truly comprehend their experience.

Underlying all this, piecemeal approaches to management fail to consider the full scope of OA, neglecting to consider the condition and its effects on the person as a whole.

Here’s why we want you to go beyond piecemeal approaches to embrace truly holistic management…

Not only does OA affect your physical health, mental state, and emotional balance, but these factors, in return, also impact the your OA. Our approach aims to address both the effects of OA on your life and the influence of your lifestyle and well-being on OA, guiding you toward comprehensive wellness.

By gaining a deeper understanding of osteoarthritis, you can equip yourself to customize your self-care approach and align it with your unique needs and lifestyle. This strategy blends education and personalized planning assistance and tools, empowering you to navigate your OA journey with informed confidence for a more effective self-management.

By addressing the condition comprehensively, holistic management reduces the need for piecemeal treatments that may only offer temporary relief. This approach seeks to provide lasting improvements to your joint health and overall wellbeing.

Holistic management emphasizes the importance of lifestyle changes in managing OA. From nutritional guidance to exercise routines tailored to your abilities, these changes aim to improve not just your symptoms but your overall health because your overall health deeply affects your symptoms. 

With a holistic management plan in place, the uncertainty about OA's progression becomes less daunting. Equipped with strategies to manage symptoms and maintain mobility, you can face the future with renewed confidence and optimism.

Adopting a holistic approach to osteoarthritis management means addressing not just the physical influence on symptoms but also the mental and emotional aspects, incorporating strategies and lifestyle changes that improve overall health and effectively manage OA's symptoms and progression.
Hello there. My name is Valerie. I was diagnosed with arthritis in both my knees at the tender age of 27.

My doctor’s disheartening advice to me at that time was simply “maybe you should just put your feet up and learn to relax”.

But at 27, with a lifetime of dreams ahead of me, I couldn't accept that. So, despite the pain, I chose to keep moving forward, unwilling to let this advice dictate my life.

Of course, my knees continued to worsen, and I picked up OA in several other joints along the way. Including traumatic OA in an ankle due to a serious fracture.

As I approached my 40’s, the pain and other limitations began to interfere with the activities I cherished and began to encroach on my everyday life. My ankle was in constant pain and my knee began to lock up at night jolting me awake. I chased after all the fancy new medical treatments and tried several, but nothing brought me the relief I so desired. My joints just got worse.
I had dreams of climbing mountains but instead I was shopping for elevated toilets. I feared I was going to be in a wheelchair soon.

This stark contrast between my aspirations and my reality was the wakeup call I needed.

I left my job to put my education and experience to work for me.

Leveraging my background as a master’s prepared registered nurse and health educator, I embarked on an in-depth research journey into OA, uncovering a wealth of scientific knowledge that none of my doctors had seemed aware or… at least they didn’t tell me about it.

By applying this cutting-edge research, I developed a comprehensive program that addressed OA from all angles. In my desperation I did not want to leave any stone unturned.

And it worked! I didn't just manage my OA; I completely turned it around. Today, I am not just surviving with OA; I am thriving, feeling better than when I was first diagnosed over 20 years ago.

Now, it is my mission to share this journey of discovery and transformation. I want to empower others with OA, showing them that it's possible to live a fulfilling life beyond the constraints of this condition.

The Thrive with OA Membership Program

The first comprehensive program dedicated to empowering those with osteoarthritis through a holistic approach that embraces not just physical health, but mental and emotional well-being too. 

Here, you'll discover innovative strategies, share in collective wisdom, and explore new horizons in OA management—all designed to help you thrive, not just survive. 

Designed by a nurse who has navigated the complexities of OA firsthand, the Thrive with OA Program merges professional knowledge with personal insights to empower your journey beyond mere survival. 

Join us and explore new horizons in OA care, crafted from a deep understanding of what it truly means to live—and thrive—with osteoarthritis.

Unlock Your Path to Osteoarthritis Wellness - Discover the Three Pillars of Thriving with OA
The Thrive with OA Program is uniquely designed to guide you through a comprehensive three-phase approach that will improve your experience with osteoarthritis. Each phase is tailored to provide you with the essential tools and knowledge to improve your physical symptoms but and strengthen your mental resilience and emotional well-being. This holistic strategy ensures you gain a well-rounded understanding and capability to effectively take on OA, enabling a higher quality of life.

Phase 1 establishes a more holistic understanding of osteoarthritis management, beginning with foundational education to introduce the latest, factual knowledge about the OA. This knowledge increases your confidence in the effectiveness of holistic management, empowering you to make informed decisions about your health and treatment options. The focus then shifts to setting realistic goals and forming new, healthy habits. Finally, it covers strategies for fostering positivity and resilience, essential for overcoming the mental and emotional challenges of living with OA and successfully maintaining a lifestyle designed to beat it.

Phase 2 focuses on the physical components of lifestyle modifications that can positively impact osteoarthritis. This phase enhances your ability to alleviate symptoms and improve joint health by implementing strategies centered around healing the body. You'll learn about the Osteoarthritis Wellness Diet, exploring how dietary choices can affect symptoms and joint health and learn easy ways to incorporate movement into your management plan.  It also includes insights into alternative health treatments alongside conventional medical options, providing a well-rounded perspective on physical health strategies that support osteoarthritis management.

Phase 3 focuses on the connection between mental and emotional well-being and physical health, especially in managing osteoarthritis. This phase equips you with strategies to enhance mental resilience and manage stress, mood, and mental state, which in turn can significantly improve physical symptoms and overall health. You'll engage in tailored stress management techniques, resilience-building exercises, and mindfulness practices, along with exploring methods to better manage pain perception and improve sleep, all designed to support a holistic approach to your health.

Features You Will Find Inside Thrive with OA

Osteoarthritis Wellness Diet  Course

What you eat can significantly affect how you feel when you have OA. This course takes you through every food group and explains what dietary choices best supports joint health and overall wellness. Includes downloadable resources and tools that will help you adopt a lifelong inflammation-fighting eating pattern as part of a lifestyle that reduces joint pain and slows or halts the progression. Available in both a streamlined and more in-depth version.

Growing Exercise Video Library

Movement truly is medicine when managing osteoarthritis, which is why we offer a comprehensive collection of OA-friendly exercise routines designed to fit into your daily schedule. These exercises will enhance joint health and flexibility while ensuring comfort, with regular updates to keep your movements effective and engaging. This dynamic collection provides the variety and support you need to maintain mobility without discomfort.

Inflammation-fighting recipes  and techniques

Adopting a new way of eating can be challenging. To support you in this mission, we included a growing library of delicious, healthy recipes designed to lower inflammation and improve OA symptoms. Accompanied by practical meal preparation tips, suggestions for essential cooking tools, and engaging video tutorials on cooking techniques, this resource is designed to make your transition to healthier eating both simple and enjoyable.

Community Discusssion Area

Being part of a community with a shared mission can offer tremendous benefits, especially when managing a condition like osteoarthritis. Our community space is designed for those who are actively engaging in their path to truly understanding and managing OA. Here, you'll connect with others who are equally informed and committed to proactive health management. This supportive environment not only provides a platform for sharing and learning but also reinforces your own commitment to thriving with osteoarthritis.

Live OA management Strategy Sessions

Understanding and effectively managing osteoarthritis requires continual learning and adaptation, especially as new treatments and strategies emerge. Our regular, expert-led, video calls provide you with the opportunity to gain deeper insights into the latest OA management strategies, directly get your questions answered, and receive guidance on how to effectively implement these strategies in your daily life. This feature is designed to keep you informed and actively engaged, ensuring that you have the tools and knowledge needed to manage your condition successfully.

Regular Motivational Boosts

Managing osteoarthritis is a lifelong journey, and maintaining motivation can be challenging, especially when faced with setbacks or slow progress. Recognizing the ups and downs inherent in this journey, we are committed to providing you with regular communications. These updates will keep you informed about new resources and successes within our community, and also offer motivational tips, timely advice, and positive affirmations. Our aim is to help you maintain your motivation and stay engaged, even during tough times, by providing continuous support and fostering a sense of connectedness.
And so much more!
Beyond the core curriculum of our three-phase program and key features, the Thrive with OA Program also includes a wealth of additional resources designed to support and enhance your osteoarthritis management journey.

  • Targeted strengthening exercise videos
  • Supplement Guide covering over 50 supplements
  • Planners, trackers, and journals
  • New content based on your feedback and suggestions
  • Zoom group support calls to help you put it all together
  • Plus more to be added based on community needs

Join today and unlock all this for just $7/month.

I want to help you build a lifestyle that will help you continue to follow your dreams.

Despite what you might have heard before, reducing joint pain and other OA symptoms is entirely possible. 

You can continuously improve through a comprehensive approach that embraces both physical wellness and emotional resilience.

I know you can. Because I am walking this path too, experiencing firsthand the positive changes that come from a well-rounded approach to managing OA. And others are too.
See what others are saying... 


Frequently asked questions

What is included in the program?

The Thrive with OA Membership Program offers a comprehensive approach to managing osteoarthritis through  resources and educational content spread across three main phases:

  1. Adopt a Thrive Mindset: This initial phase focuses on building a solid foundation by enhancing your understanding of osteoarthritis. It includes educational content to dispel myths, set achievable goals, and foster a positive outlook, all designed to prepare you mentally and emotionally for managing OA.
  2. Body Wellness: The second phase concentrates on the physical aspects of osteoarthritis management, offering nutritional guidance and customized exercise routines. It aims to improve your physical health through diet and movement, tailored to alleviate symptoms and enhance overall wellness
  3. Mind Wellness: The final phase addresses the mental and emotional challenges associated with osteoarthritis. It provides tools for stress management, resilience building, mindfulness practices, and effective pain management strategies.
In addition to these core phases, the program includes extra resources such as:
  • Inflammation-Fighting Recipes: A collection of easy-to-prepare, delicious recipes that comply with an anti-inflammatory diet to help manage OA symptoms.
  • Movement is Medicine - Small Doses: A selection of 10-minute exercise routines that focus on improving joint health and overall physical fitness without overwhelming you.
  • Tools for Success: This section features planners, trackers, and journals to help you monitor your progress and stay motivated throughout your journey.
  • Live Zoom Calls: An opportunity to have your questions answered and obtain support for implementing what is learned in the core-curriculum. 
Each component of the program is designed to support you holistically — addressing not just the physical symptoms of OA but also the psychological and emotional aspects, providing you with a well-rounded approach to managing your condition effectively.

Who is this program for?

The Thrive with OA Membership Program is specifically designed for individuals who are managing osteoarthritis and are seeking a holistic approach to improve their health and quality of life. It's ideal for those who want to explore beyond traditional medical treatments and are interested in integrating physical, mental, and emotional wellness strategies into their daily routine. Whether you're newly diagnosed or have been managing OA for years, this program offers valuable resources and support to help you reduce symptoms, enhance mobility, and increase overall well-being. It's especially beneficial for people looking to empower themselves through education, proactive lifestyle changes, and community support.

Will this program help with all types of osteoarthritis?

The Thrive with OA program is designed for anyone seeking a holistic approach to managing osteoarthritis, regardless of which joints are affected. Whether you have OA in the knees, hips, hands, or any other area, this program can be beneficial.
Key Aspects of the Program Include:

  • Mind-Body Approach: We understand that osteoarthritis very often occurs in more than one joint or part of the body. Therefore, our program doesn’t hyper-focus on a single joint. Instead, it takes a comprehensive body-mind-spirit approach, addressing OA as a systemic issue while also providing solutions targeted to specific joints.
  • Reducing Overall Inflammation: The cornerstone of our program is reducing whole-body inflammation. By tackling inflammation on a systemic level, we aim to alleviate OA symptoms across all affected joints, providing a more effective and long-term solution.
  • Setting Up for Success: Our goal is to set you and your entire body up for success. This means providing tools, resources, and support that cater to the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of living with OA. We believe that a multifaceted approach leads to more sustainable results and a better quality of life.
In summary, this program is suitable for anyone with osteoarthritis, looking for a comprehensive, integrated approach to managing their condition. Our program is designed to benefit individuals with all types of OA, offering a pathway to reduced pain, improved mobility, and overall wellness.

My doctor told me I am ‘bone-on-bone’ and/or I need a joint replacement. Can this program still help me?

Yes, the Thrive with OA Happy Joints Club can be beneficial even if you are experiencing severe stages of osteoarthritis or have been advised to consider joint replacement. This program is designed to provide support and improvements in well-being for individuals at any stage of OA.

  1. Diet, Exercise, and Lifestyle Modifications: Regardless of the OA severity, changes in diet, exercise, and lifestyle can contribute positively to your overall health. Studies suggest that individuals with more severe OA often experience significant benefits from lifestyle modifications. By adopting an anti-inflammatory diet, engaging in gentle, joint-friendly exercises, and making appropriate lifestyle changes, you can enhance your joint health and overall well-being.
  2. Pre- and Post-Surgery Benefits: If you decide to proceed with a joint replacement, the principles and practices in this program can still be immensely valuable. Incorporating the dietary and exercise recommendations can help improve your general health, potentially making your recovery from surgery easier and more effective. A stronger, healthier body often leads to better surgical outcomes and can aid in a smoother and quicker rehabilitation process.
  3. Holistic Approach for Overall Well-being: Beyond the direct impact on joint health, the program offers a holistic approach to well-being. This includes stress management, community support, and other strategies that can enhance your quality of life, providing benefits that extend beyond OA management.
In summary, whether you are managing early-stage OA, facing severe 'bone-on-bone' conditions, or considering surgical options, the Thrive with OA Happy Joints Club offers tools and resources that can positively impact your health journey.

Can I participate in the program if I have dietary restrictions or food allergies?

Absolutely. The Thrive with OA Happy Joints Club is designed to be inclusive and adaptable for individuals with various dietary needs and restrictions. The diet education part of the program is designed to be flexible and can be tailored to fit your specific dietary needs. Whether you have food allergies, intolerances, or follow a specific diet due to personal or medical reasons, the program can be adjusted accordingly. Additionally, our community platform is a great resource where you can share experiences, tips, and recipes that cater to various dietary restrictions. Engaging with peers who might be facing similar challenges can provide additional support and ideas.

Can I still benefit from the program if I am on medication for OA?

Yes, you can still derive significant benefits from the Thrive with OA Happy Joints Club program even if you are on medication for osteoarthritis. Our program is designed to complement any medical treatments prescribed for OA. The strategies in our program, including nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle modifications, are intended to enhance overall joint health and can be beneficial alongside any medication you might be taking for OA. This improvement sometimes allows for a reduction  reliance on medication, under the guidance of healthcare provider. This program cannot prescribe medications or other medical treatments but can educate on them, nor are we anti-medication. Future plans for the program include the introduction of educational content on medications and other medical treatments for OA to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of all your options.

What if I also want to lose weight?

Weight loss, if needed, can greatly improve osteoarthritis symptoms and is encouraged, although not required. If your osteoarthritis wellness goals include weight loss, our program is well-equipped to support you on this journey. Here's how:

  1. Natural Weight Loss Through Dietary Changes: Many of our members find that they naturally lose weight as they adjust their eating patterns. The foods that are often culprits in inflammation are also frequently linked to weight gain and retention. By focusing on an anti-inflammatory diet, you’re likely to eliminate many of these foods, which can naturally lead to weight loss
  2. Intensive Weight Loss Program for Emotional Eating (add-on program - availability based on demand): Recognizing the complex relationship between eating habits and emotions, we plan to offer an intensive weight loss program tailored for those with emotional eating challenges. This program will be available as an add-on and is exclusively open to graduates of the OA diet course. It's designed to address the deeper emotional factors that influence eating behaviors, providing a more comprehensive approach to weight loss.
More questions? Email me at - put "TWOA QUESTION" in the subject line. 

Join today to lock in your membership at just $7/month.

Happy Joints Club Promises

  • Personalized Support: Every member of the Happy Joints Club has the opportunity to receive personalized support tailored to their unique journey with osteoarthritis. This includes access to resources and guidance that caters to individual needs and preferences.
  • Community Connection: Members will become part of a community. A space is provided where people can share experiences, celebrate progress, and offer encouragement, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support.
  • Expert Guidance: The club provides expert-led advice and information from someone who has lived experience managing and thriving with osteoarthritis. 
  • Empowerment Through Education: Members will have access to a wealth of educational content designed to empower them with knowledge about osteoarthritis management. 
  • Holistic Health Focus: The club emphasizes a holistic approach to managing osteoarthritis, taking a mind-body approach and covering aspects like nutrition, physical activity, mental well-being, and lifestyle modifications.
  • Practical Tools and Resources: Members will gain access to practical tools and resources, such as exercise routines, healthy recipes, and tips for daily living, all aimed at improving joint health and overall well-being.
  • Regular Motivation: The club promises to provide ongoing motivation and inspiration. Whether it's through success stories, motivational content, or regular check-ins, members will feel encouraged to stay on track with their goals.
  • Accessible Anywhere: With online access and an available mobile app, members can engage with the club's resources and community from anywhere, making it convenient and inclusive for people with varying schedules and mobility levels.
  • Safe and Inclusive Environment: The club is committed to creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all members, regardless of their age, background, or stage of osteoarthritis.
  • Continuous Improvement: The club promises to continually evolve and improve, actively seeking member feedback to enhance the experience and offerings.

Take the first step towards transforming your osteoarthritis journey. Join now and unlock a holistic path to wellness with the Thrive with OA program.